Once considered a pro-environment moderate, Senator Collins has turned her back on public lands

Senator Collins has turned her back on public lands By: Adam Kolton, Executive Director I’ve long believed that we have a responsibility to cultivate and support those who stand up for America’s public lands and waters, irrespective of political party. Senator Susan Collins, Maine’s senior Senator, was once in that category, speaking out and standingContinue reading “Once considered a pro-environment moderate, Senator Collins has turned her back on public lands”

Cory Gardner says He Cherishes America’s Public Lands.

Cory Gardner says He Cherishes America’s Public Lands. His Actions say Something Else. By: Adam Kolton, Executive Director In 2017, Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado — a self-proclaimed champion of public lands — was uniquely positioned as a western Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee to stand up and prevent the giveawayContinue reading “Cory Gardner says He Cherishes America’s Public Lands.”